Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Sister inlaw, Becca Is bout to pop and she wanted some pics taken. This one is one of my fav's. She is so creative and came up with the poses she wanted. there are a few others that i will post also, if i can figure it out man. I am on some pain kilers right now, for my surgery and its making everything a bit more deliberate and difficult.
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1 comment:

Becca Bel said...

The pictures turned out really good! Thanks for all that you do for us. You take great pictures and you get Aaron to smile.

Me, Eva, Sam, Will, Noah and Steve

Me, Eva, Sam, Will, Noah and Steve
Emerald Pools, Zion Park

Bryce Canyon UT.

Bryce Canyon UT.

Bryce Canyon UT.

Bryce Canyon UT.